

“Nobody needs to stop learning just because they have finished working.”

Our u3a is for people who want to keep active in mind and body, enjoy socialising, and are no longer in full time employment. Southwater u3a was launched in 2006 and has gradually increased in numbers.

Our u3a Members also benefit from being able to join any of the growing number of Interest Groups which cover a wide variety of subjects. Some members join the u3a just to be able to participate in our friendly Groups led by knowledgeable and enthusiastic leaders.

Why not join us! Contact our Membership Secretary

Important information

Please go to our policies page to see updates to our GDPR. If any of the information you provided on your membership form has changed you must inform either our Membership Secretary or our Chairperson as soon as possible

March General Meeting
It was unfortunate indeed that the speaker from the British Marine Life Rescue Service
had to cancel at the 11th hour. Covid is still with us and causing trouble!
Enter member Steve on a white horse, with a presentation on Full Fibre with BT –
something we are all going to be forced to confront at some time soon when BT finally
switch off the old copper wire phone lines.
Many thanks to Steve for a very informative and helpful talk – and the KitKats too!

Dates for General Meetings 2024 Tuesday 28th May, Tuesday 23rd July AGM with speaker Thursday 19th September Tuesday 26th November